Fundraising take place throughout the year, and our committee is always looking for new ideas!

An annual Phone-a-thon enables student callers, under the supervision of Dollars for Scholars Board members, to use a community data base and request pledges of $10 or more.  A pledge reminder and mailing envelope for donations are sent to each positive respondent. 

An annual Bowl-a-thon is another source of funds.

The annual Golf Tournament enables companies and organizations to purchase promotional signage while donating to a great cause.  An accompanying Silent Action, Steak Dinner, Award Ceremony and numerous door prizes make this a great community event. 

An on-going Bottle & Can Drive also generates funds.  Anyone can drop off their bottles and cans at the Cicero Bottle & Can Return, Lakeshore Heights Plaza, Rt. 31 in Cicero and simply say that they are donating their deposit refund to Dollars for Scholars.  This is an easy way for community members to contribute to Dollars for Scholars, while helping to generate $500 scholarships.

  If you are Interested in coming to a meeting or volunteering to help with planning or fundraising? 

Contact : North Syracuse Dollars for Scholars
PO Box 5205
Syracuse, New York 13220-5205


North Syracuse Dollars for Scholars President, Chrissy Sarosy- by clicking this link   North Syracuse Dollars for Scholars
